New book by Fabio Tamburini published

Author: Fabio Tamburini
Title: Neural Models for the Automatic Processing of Italian
Editor: Pàtron editore
Access to book: here>

The volume reports the author’s research experiences and experiments in developing solutions in the various areas of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. The book focuses mainly on applications based on Deep Neural Networks, but contrasting these approaches with the methodologies used in the past, and it is organised in such a way as to both describe the state of the art in this discipline, examining the studies proposed by the author, and to outline a useful path also for the training of young scholars and students. Following the same spirit, the volume can be profitably read both by people more concentrated on humanistic studies and people with more technical interests.

By |2023-09-28T14:33:31+02:0028 Oct, 2022|NEWS, POP, PUBLICATIONS|
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