The new AILC website

With the beginning of 2017 AILC inaugurates the new website.

If the website is the business card of the association, then AILC is very well presented. The new website is elegant, informative and easy to navigate, and its colors evoke the roots of the Italian community. The logo itself hints at both the linguistic and the computational aspects that AILC intends to represent.

I think we have achieved the ideal balance between the need to introduce ourselves as a scientific community and the need to adapt to more modern communication styles, which have been “suggested” by the AILC industrial partners.
In this regard, I would like to emphasize how the social element has been enhanced, notably thanks to the AILC blog, a tool meant to give space to reflections, comments, and exchanges of opinion on the many hot topics in computational linguistics.

Soon we will also add safer and more effective procedures for the member registration and for on-line credit card payments.

I hope that the new website will meet all of your expectations: please use it, that’s why we built it!

Greetings to everyone,

Bernardo Magnini

By |2017-05-04T12:31:20+02:005 Feb, 2017|NEWS|


Coling 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, took place in Osaka from 11th to 16th december 2016. This edition reached a record in terms of number of submissions and participants, thus confirming the high degree of interest in computational linguistics on the landscape of international research.

The Italian community has played roles of highest importance in the organisation of the conference, including the general chair of the conference (Nicoletta Calzolari), the workshop chair (Monica Monachini), the tutorial chair (Marcello Federico), and the organisation of the workshop “Computational Modeling of People’s Opinions, Personality, and Emotions in Social Media” (Malvina Nissim and Viviana Patti).

A less positive remark. The presence of the Italian community, according to the data provided by the organizers, consisted of five accepted papers: not many when compared to those from other European countries.

By |2017-05-04T12:44:32+02:0020 Dec, 2016|INDUSTRY, NEWS|

CLiC-it and EVALITA 2016

The third edition of CliC-it, the Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, and the fifth edition of EVALITA, the evaluation campaign of language technologies for Italian, which took place in Naples, were a success.

Set in the suggestive environs of the Accademia Pontaniana, the conference hosted more than 120 participants who enjoyed a rich scientific program including talks, posters, discussion sessions, and distinguished invited speakers, such as Joakim Nivre, Mirella Lapata and Walter Daelemans.

Our sincere appreciation on behalf of AILC,  especially to the local organizers, for making CLiC-it and EVALITA in Naples such a pleasant experience, and also to the event sponsors.

All the details, including the conference proceedings, are available on the websites of the conference and the evaluation campaign.

By |2017-05-04T12:42:02+02:0010 Dec, 2016|EVENTS, NEWS|
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