“Cortile delle statue“, University of Pavia.
Lectures on Computational Linguistics
Pavia, 3-4 May 2018
Aula Bottigella, Palazzo San Tommaso
Atwo-day event featuring tutorials on foundational topics in Computational Linguistics. The event is organized by the Doctoral Course in Linguistic Sciences of the University of Pavia and the University of Bergamo, in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and endorsed by AILC (Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale).
Participation is free but subject to registration. We welcome Ph.D. and Master students, as well as everybody who is interested in the topics.
3 May 2018 – Aula L3 – Palazzo San Tommaso, Università di Pavia
10.45: Opening – Elisabetta Jezek (University of Pavia)
11.00-13.00: Compositional Semantics as Knowledge Graphs on the Web – Aldo Gangemi (University of Bologna)
14.30-16.30: A Gentle Introduction to Universal Dependencies – Marco Passarotti (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan & University of Pavia)
16.45-17.45: Students’ Presentations
Investigating morphological change through diachronic corpora – Silvia Micheli (University of Bergamo-Pavia)
Research on creativity: hapax, multiword expressions, constructions, Sketchengine – Fabio Loiodice (University of Bergamo-Pavia)
20.00: Social Dinner
4 May 2018 – Aula Bottigella – Palazzo San Tommaso, Università di Pavia
09.30-11.30 Neural Learning for Language Processing – Roberto Basili (University of Roma, Tor Vergata)
11.45-12.45: Students’ Presentations
Adaptive Dialogue Models for Conversational Agents – Vevake Balaraman (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
A UD Literary Treebank for German. An Overview – Alessio Salomoni (University of Bergamo-Pavia)
14.00 -16.00: Methodologies and Techniques for the Digital Humanities: Ongoing Work and Open Challenges – Sara Tonelli (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
16.00 – 16.30: Closing – Magnifico Rettore Prof. Fabio Rugge (University of Pavia)
Elisabetta Jezek (University of Pavia) *
Anna Feltracco (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, University of Pavia, University of Bergamo) * Bernardo Magnini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento)
Anna Feltracco, feltracco [at] fbk.eu