AILC Master Thesis Prize 2018 assigned
Also this year, in connection with its annual conference (CLiC-it), AILC assigned a prize for the best master thesis in computational linguistics defended at an Italian University.
AILC Master Thesis Prize 2017 assigned
This year, in connection with its annual conference (CLiC-it), for the first time AILC introduced a prize for the best master thesis in computational linguistics defended at an Italian University, which was awarded to Alessio Miaschi, from Università di Pisa.
Affective lexica and other resources for Italian
An affective lexicon is a database of words (or word senses, phrases, or other kinds of lexical items) where each item is classified according to its content in terms of subjectivity, polarity (positive or negative), capability of evoking specific emotions and so on. Such resources are used to build [...]
ACL 2019 in Florence!
The 57th edition of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019) will take place in Florence from July 28th to August 2nd, 2019.
AILC Master Thesis Award
To recognise excellence in student research, AILC has introduced an award for the best MA thesis in Computational Linguistics and its applications defended at an Italian university. The prize will be awarded, this year for the first time, in the context of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017), to be held in Rome, December 11-13 2017.
Lectures on Computational Linguistics 2017
Lectures on Computational Linguistics 2017 is a two-day event featuring tutorials on foundational topics in Computational Linguistics to be held at the University of Pavia on May, 4-5 2017.